Chapter Seven
As I have mentioned, Bull’s property was an overwhelmingly baffling, multi-generational collection of junked vehicles from the height of Detroit’s golden age to more modern cars and pickup trucks, farm equipment, school buses, mobile homes, campers, at least a dozen buildings in various states of disrepair, and even an old fire truck. Once while I was exploring this wonderland of relics I actually found a disassembled, antique covered wagon under a tarp. When I lifted the tarp and discovered the nearly intact, albeit disassembled and neatly stacked treasure, I threw the tarp corner back so half of the pile of preserved wood, wheels, yolks, and chains was exposed and took three staggering steps in reverse and slapped my hand to my head. Bull, who was close
enough to witness my shocked reaction to this discovery only laughed and left the disintegrating ruins of a storm damaged tool shed to stand by my side.
do you think of that?” he asked, while pulling the rest of the tarp off of the
organized pile.
I don’t know what to think of that… Where the hell did you come up with this?”
I was now rubbing the stinging spot on my forehead that I had just smacked.
always been here. After I unsuccessfully
tried to pass the seventh grade for the third time, my dad pulled me out of
school for good, and organizing this pile was the first job he gave me. I’m pretty sure it was his attempt at homeschooling
me. He kind of used it like a history
lesson.” Bull knelt down by the stacks
of antique wagon pieces and found a small wooden box of hardware. “He told me that it was the wagon that his
great-grandfather had brought my great-grandma here with.”
shit…” I stated with astonishment. This
wasn’t a question, as I had no reason to believe that my friend would lie about
shit man… He told me that he wanted me to put it back together, so we could
start a little museum of our family history here on the property. You’ll never believe all of the stuff hidden
around here like this.” He placed the
box of antique bolts and cotter pins back where he had taken it from and
started to pull the tarp back over the wagon.
His demeanor changed when he started talking about his father, and I was
beginning to think that it might be a sensitive subject.
sorry man, I shouldn’t have been so curious.” I offered quietly.
it ain’t like that. I’m glad you
uncovered it. I haven’t thought about
this thing in a long time, and I should be thinking about it. I guess I just kind of stopped working on the
projects that he and I had started when he up and died years ago... and then I went to prison a couple of times.”
knew that Bull’s dad had died a long while before I came into the picture,
but it was never a subject of conversation before this moment. I wasn’t sure how to engage this
conversation, so I just remained silent and helped him tuck the tarp under the
pile securely.
been too busy trying to keep my greedy sister and my dad’s asshole brothers
from looting this place. All they see
when they walk onto this land is dollar signs.
They don’t know the stories about who owned what cars, or how dad came
to owning half of this stuff. If my
sister saw what was under this tarp, or failed to see what was under this tarp…
chances are it would end up in a burn pile.”
He was talking quietly, but his tone let me know that there was a
conflict brewing somewhere within him.

it easy, brother…” He turned to our
formerly tree-bound companion and said, “Jesus, Benny… you looking to get your
throat slit? It’s a good thing that I at
least knew you were there…” Bull flashed
a wink in my direction, to which I smiled.
what the fuck douche-bag…?” I added. “How
the fuck you wanna jump out of a tree at a motherfucker who hasn’t slept in a
week and think I’m not gonna cut you?” I
sheathed the blade, and covered the wagon pieces with the tarp, cussing the
whole time. My heart was bursting
through my ribcage.
it is you who should pay a little attention to your surroundings, asshole. I’ve been listening to you guys talk about
that wagon since you found it… uh… douche bag.”
Benny never sounded quite right when he tried to swear in English. I always preferred to hear him curse at me in
Russian when he mumbled in it. It
sounded a little more intimidating.
Zoloft…” Now Benny moved in on me
quickly, but not quick enough for Bull.
Bull blocked the mangy Russian’s approach and I also felt his hand force the
blade of my knife back into the sheath and button it down with little
effort. Lucky for Benny…
He hated
when I called him Zoloft. I don’t know
what his last name really was, but every time I asked, all I could think about when
he said the ridiculous name was ‘Zoloft.’
This made a lot of people laugh at his expense which I guess Russian
kids don’t take kindly too. Anyways, he
was one of the biggest dope fiends and thieves I had ever met, and I didn’t
trust him from the first day I met him.
He was really good with a chainsaw in a tree though, and that made him a
valuable asset for awhile the farm. I
hardly tolerated him, and often thought about cutting or disfiguring him on
purpose. I had no idea that my
ridiculous, violent, meth-fueled fantasies would play out right in front of me
wasn’t fat, but his clothes would never tell you that. It always appeared to me that he was wearing
clothes from grade school. He had a
thick, filthy-sounding accent that always made me think of dark, bearded men
driving around school yards in white vans with no windows. He was always carrying a pint of Jim Beam
bourbon, or Captain Morgan’s rum and smelled drunk from the minute you saw him
(even if you were 100 yards away). He
rarely showered, so the alcohol not only accumulated on his rancid breath, but
floated around him in a toxic cloud that often smelled like body odor bathed in
ooze from the bottoms of the garbage cans you might find in an alley outside of
a tavern. It was nothing to say that I
didn’t like him. I’m exaggerating when I
say I tolerated him.
had unbeknownst to me sliced the belt loop that my knife was locked into when
he had buttoned the sheath down in his previous maneuver. He was holding an arm across Benny’s chest to
block his approach. He raised my sheathed knife to show both of us that he
had it… as that wicked grin lashed
across his face as he looked from Benny to me and back to Benny. Bull’s eyes were glowing an electric blue…
across his face as he looked from Benny to me and back to Benny. Bull’s eyes were glowing an electric blue…
fair now, ladies…”
was stunned for a moment to realize that my friend was going to finally let me
assault this drunk, jacked-up Russian. I
failed to realize that he was coordinating it.
In my moments of reflection, I failed to act and felt the consequence
almost immediately as Zoloft lunged forward and grabbed my midsection in a
bear-hug and brought me to the ground.
Like I said, he wasn’t fat, but he was bloated. I feared that my equilibrium had been brought
off center enough to give him time and opportunity to land punches that would
break some of my bones or bruise my precious face. It was lucky for me that Zoloft stunk like he
had already been through two or three pints today. He was throwing punches as fast as he could
and landing them nowhere important, and running out of energy by about the fourth
ribcage shot. I was more concerned about
my face, so I had my arms blocking my head.
I quickly realized that he wasn’t hurting me, and decided to let him
wear himself out.
began laughing inside of my arms and hollering at him, “C’mon Zoloft, you
Russian pussy… you’re hitting me like a drunk!”
I could hear him wheezing and winding down, and the punches were still
coming, but felt more like the playful paws of my dog. At the last moment he grabbed the hair at the
back of my head and brought his knee through my arms and mashed my lips against
my teeth. I was shocked and angry that I
didn’t expect this, and spat part of a chipped tooth out of my mouth and into
his face as he fell to his overstuffed Russian rump in front of me, trying to
catch his breath. He was heaving hard
now, trying to catch his breath.
I hope you fucking got this… he’s all yours now.” Bull was pacing like caged
I was getting to my feet and brushing myself off, “Oh man… I fucking got this… believe the fuck out of me… I fucking got this. I’m gonna kill this motherfucker.” I took advantage of Zoloft's pause and connected with the right side of his face with my fist. I felt a satisfying softening of that side of his face and jaw when my fist connected.
With that I took my steel-toed Wolverine Boot and punted straight through Zoloft’s wheezing mouth and chin. There was the sound of an awful crunch of teeth, bone and tongue as Bull got sprayed with a mist of blood, snot and spit.
man, let me clear out a minute… FUCK… I hope he ain’t got Hep C.”
was screeching and squirming, but I had straddled his chest and pinned his
shoulders and arms with my knees and legs.
I was pissed and far from worn out.
I began alternating punches at his cheeks and eyes, drawing blood after
the third punch. By the time I felt a
burning in my arms, Bull was pulling me off of him as I had began screaming
obscenities and screeching like a psychotic maniac.

“Lesson?” I spit another piece of tooth from my mouth
onto Zoloft’s body. I cleared my throat
and spit adrenaline-snot onto his face and he rolled over and moaned.
man… go get the battery cables from my Jeep and the gas can from the
bumper. It should be full. I’m gonna get this chatty motherfucker
comfortable in the garage. We need to
teach him about running his mouth when he’s drunk.”
"For real, Boss?"
"Oh yeah... this is gonna be neat..." His eyes were glowing almost neon now.
This work is the intellectual property of Jerome J. Panozzo
This work is the intellectual property of Jerome J. Panozzo
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